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Quick Hairstyles and Styling Techniques for Unruly Hair


Bushels of hair go into all directions, your hair behaves like straw, and you wonder what ever happened to your haircut. If there ever was a bad hair day, this is it! Don't fret! We have some quick fixes and styling tricks for you. Down with bad hair days!

There are those days when every hair on your head defies all attempts at styling. You look into the mirror and marvel at the things that happen to hair overnight. Last night, your hair looked beautiful. Now, only a few hours later, any semblance of hairstyle is shot to hell. That parting must have moved by itself. Why do the hair ends feel like straw? The ponytail scrunchy left a permanent pleat in your hair, which refuses to go away. Yesterday, you had a haircut, today it is gone. Try as you may, regular styling routines will not measure up to the daunting task of dealing with bad hair days.

This is the moment of truth and right then you also remember to check your watch. Of course, bad hair days and running out of time go together like fish and chips! Bad hair day or not, being late for work, school or an appointment is not an option. Right now, a lightning fast solution is the only solution. Is there a way to turn this bad hair day into an uplifting experience? You bet! See what tricks and solutions we have in store for you!

Tips, Tricks, and Tools for Quick Hairstyle Solutions

The three Ts (tips, tricks, and tools) help you apply various styling options to get the upper hand against your hair's behaviour problems. Among the tools are hair accessories such as Alice bands, flat and curling irons, dry shampoo, and extra-gloss hairspray. Don't forget the little helpers like hair clips, hair pins and scrunchies. A bad hair day requires the entire arsenal.

In our gallery, we address various hair problems and show you quick hairstyles and nifty tricks to deal with these problems.

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