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Deeply Set Side Partings

Suddenly, side partings are all the rage again. Side partings may be very attractive for your hair and your face as well. Look and see below whether you want to make it your style and how it is done. Our gallery offers the most beautiful star hair styles with side partings for your inspiration

Side Parting the Yves Saint Laurent Style

Yves Saint Laurent's models wear deep-set side partings with hair that is sleeked close to the scalp

Once again, the side parting has emerged from the relic box. In recent seasons, middle partings dominated the scene on catwalks all over the globe. Now, designers have rediscovered the side parting and models increasingly showcase side partings. Today, the partings are mostly very exacting and created far down on one side. Side partings do not lose their newly found glory in fashion either. On the red carpet stars and models embrace the new trend with very appealing hair styles from gel-sleeked to bouncy hair and glamorous waves.

Is the Side Parting Your Style?

Side partings look appealing on hair of all lengths. Short hair is attention-grabbing while long hair is sensual; take a look at these long hair tips to find out more about making the most of your long hair. The facial features do not play a role at all. However, small faces may appear even smaller when side partings are combined with long open fringes. (It is alright to pull the fringes to the side.) Side partings take the focus away from the center of the face and are therefore ideal for faces with prominent noses or chins. Square-shaped faces seem smaller when the hair is parted on the side.

How to Part Your Hair on the Side

The tail ends of styling combs come in handy for creating exacting side partings. We recommend a conditioning rinse or treatment before styling. Parting soft, easy flowing hair is particularly easy.


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