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Root Touch-Up for Seamlessly Beautiful Hair

Beautiful young woman with shorter brown hair sending kisses in blue glasses and hat

Whether red, caramel, black, streaked, platinum, ash brown, golden blonde - do you regularly color your hair? Then you probably know how annoying it is when your roots start to become visible. Fortunately, you can color your roots at home. We have compiled some tips on how to do a root touch up yourself.

Whether it’s your natural hair color or a pesky gray hair that's peeking out from under the dye, you can get rid by coloring your roots at home. If you opt for a tint, this will gradually wash out and last about six to eight weeks. During this time, you will have to re-color your roots more often. Therefore a coloration may be the best idea since it lasts much longer. If you’re not brave enough to do a root touch up yourself, there are other options such as hair powder or special hairstyles that help you to conceal your roots, at least for a short time.

Coloring your roots – how to do it!

Close-up of how roots are dyed.

Follow these steps to color your roots yourself.

For a root touch up, you need a tail comb and the correct hair coloring. We recommend Simply Color® 9.0 Light Blonde for blonde, Simply Color® 4.0 Intense Espresso for black, and Simply Color® 7.5 Almond Brown for brunette. But whatever you do, make sure that the new color is very similar to the color of the rest of your hair so that you get an even result. Take off your jewelry, put on an old t-shirt and put a dark towel around your shoulders to protect yourself from dye stains. You'll also need bobby pins or hair clips to hold individual sections of hair in place. Other tools such as disposable gloves can be found in the box with the hair dye. We will now explain how to do a root touch up yourself step by step:

  1. Divide your hair into four sections. You can do this easily with the tail comb. Use it to create a horizontal line at the back of your head from one ear to the other. Divide this lower section into two equally sized sections with a middle part. The hair on the top of your head should also be divided into two equal sections via a middle part.
  2. Now it's time for the color. Start with the back of your head since the hair there needs longer to absorb the color than the hair on the top of your head. To do this, take the lower left part of your hair and start applying the color to the roots. Make sure that the hairline is completely covered with dye, but make sure that you don't color too much over the already coloured hair. This will give you an even result.
  3. Now that the hair underneath is dyed, it's time to move on to the next section. With the tail comb, work out how far one centimeter is from the hairline and begin adding color up to this point. Repeat this procedure strand by strand until the first section of hair is colored.
  4. The next step is to dye the second section of hair and proceed in the same way as with the first, coloring the roots from the hairline to around one centimeter down the hair strand.
  5. Now it's time to do the two upper sections - repeat the steps as before and work your way round to your forehead.
  6. Now let the hair color work its magic. The exact amount of time to leave the color on your hair will be written on the box. Set an alarm clock or a timer on your smartphone so you don't lose track of time.
  7. When the alarm starts ringing, it’s time to rinse out the dye. When the water begins running clear, this means your hair has been rinsed well. Use a conditioner that will give your freshly colored hair just the right shine.
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